INSPIRing radical change

Right now SolarPunk Stories are a handful of plucky insurgents working around our dayjobs to bring you thrilling tales from better futures. 
We aim to become a major media society that captures peoples imaginations not only through short stories and books but also through streamed series and films. 
Our goal is to inspire as many people to change the world for the better as series like Star Trek have.
As far as possible we want to be the change we seek to achieve. 
Your donations you can help us build Solar Punk Stories so we can invest in:
  • Championing storytellers from more diverse and less represented backgrounds. Our ambition is to do this through funding training for young talent from a wide range of backgrounds.
  • Make our publishing work as sustainable as possible. From the paper we hope to print our stories on to the energy used to shoot our films with.
  • Spreading the word of those solarpunks making change happen right now - whether through urban food growing, renewable energy coops of community cooking classes.